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WABO/SEAW Liaison Committee

Structural Interpretation Requests


Announcing a new option to submit code or process interpretation requests to the WABO/SEAW Structural Liaison Committee.

Effective immediately, the WABO/SEAW Structural Liaison Committee will begin responding to WABO and SEAW members who submit requests for interpretation of structural code issues or code administration questions. Committee members decided to add this option as a way to improve code knowledge and consistency for our members. 

The Committee strives to improve communications between public jurisdictions that administer building codes and the engineering design community who perform building design and prepare construction documents.  The Committee also attempts to improve the quality of engineering submittals and project reviews as well as build consensus between engineers and building officials with regard to structural code interpretations and submittal requirements.

White Papers written by the Committee related to structural design, review and code compliance are available at the WABO Website or SEAW Website. 

Structural interpretation requests

Examples of interpretation requests

  1. Are structural calculations required to be done if the design engineer is confident that the design complies with the code?”  Committee answer: “No, but if a plans reviewer is in doubt of the code compliance, then calculations can be requested for confirmation of code compliance.”

  2. Can the plans reviewer require that specific analysis methods or software be used for the design?  Committee answer: “No, the design engineer can use whatever method or software that he/she wants to confirm code compliance with the structural design.  Software written for previous codes can be used if the SE is confident that the design used is in compliance with the current code.”


Disclaimer Statement:
WABO/SEAW provides this website as an informational service to WABO/SEAW members only.

This website and the service provided or made available by WABO/SEAW for instructional, educational purposes only as well as to give you general information and a general understanding of its interpretation of structural code issues or code administration questions.  WABO/SEAW is not providing specific legal advice.  By using this website and the service provided, you understand and agree that there is no attorney-client relationship between you and WABO/SEAW or the Liaison Committee. This webpage/website and service provided by WABO/SEAW should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney. In all circumstances, WABO/SEAW Liaison Committee is simply providing, as a service, its interpretation of structural code issues or code administration questions from WABO/SEAW members.  It has done so in the interest of  improving code knowledge and consistency for its members.  Under no circumstances should members and users rely on the interpretations and responses by WABO/SEAW Liaison Committee as authority in making decisions and taking action.  Any reliance of the members placed on the information and interpretative response provided by WABO/SEAW is strictly at the risk of the users and members.  Under no circumstances is WABO/SEAW liable for any loss or damage whatsoever including without limitation, any direct or consequential loss or damage arising from, relating to, or in connection with this website and services provided by WABO/SEAW.

WABO/SEAW is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within the site.  While the information contained within the site has been periodically updated, no guarantee or warranty is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date.  Although WABO/SEAW may include links providing direct access to other internet resources, including websites, WABO/SEAW is not responsible for the accuracy or content of information contained in the linked site.