To advise and inform the association's members and promote their collective views with regard to legislation and regulation matters

  • Review legislative issues of concern to building code enforcement personnel and work with WABO lobbyist on WABO legislative issues

  • Develop recommended positions on legislative issues

  • Review strategy pertaining to legislative issues

  • Maintain timely communications with the executive board and members on legislative issues developments 

  • Assist the President and lobbyist with coordination of collaborative legislative efforts with other organizations 

  • Assist the President to provide association representation pertaining to legislative matters, as determined appropriate

  • Investigate establishment of a topical index of ROW provisions related to building code enforcement (regulatory-related)

  • Review regulatory issues of concern to building code enforcement personnel

  • Review strategy pertaining to regulatory issues

  • Maintain timely communications with the executive board and members on legislative and regulatory issues developments

  • Assist the President with coordination of collaborative regulatory efforts with other organizations

  • Assist the President to provide association representation pertaining to regulatory matters, as determined appropriate 

  • Investigate establishment of a topical index of WAC provisions related to building code enforcement